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Books About Minimalism: Top Picks for Living a Simple Life

Minimalism is a design philosophy that emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and the removal of excess elements. This approach has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking to simplify their lives and reduce clutter. Books about minimalism offer guidance and inspiration for those looking to embrace this lifestyle.

When choosing a book about minimalism, it’s important to consider the author’s credentials and approach. Some authors focus on the practical aspects of decluttering and organizing, while others delve into the philosophical and psychological aspects of minimalism. Additionally, the tone and writing style of the book can vary widely, so it’s important to find a book that speaks to your personal style and preferences.

One critical factor to consider when purchasing a book about minimalism is the level of detail and practical advice provided. Some books may offer only broad principles and concepts, while others provide step-by-step guidance for decluttering and simplifying your life. Ultimately, the best book for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.

With so many books about minimalism on the market, it can be challenging to know where to start. In the following sections, we’ll explore some of the best books on minimalism, each with its unique approach and style. Whether you’re a seasoned minimalist or just starting on your journey, there’s a book out there that can help you achieve your goals.

Best Books About Minimalism

If you’re looking to simplify your life and declutter your surroundings, you may want to consider exploring the philosophy of minimalism. Minimalism is a lifestyle that emphasizes living with less, focusing on what truly matters, and finding contentment in simplicity. Whether you’re a seasoned minimalist or just starting to dip your toes into the minimalist lifestyle, these books can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Below is our curated list of the best books about minimalism that can guide you on your journey towards a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism book cover

If you’re looking to declutter your digital life, then Digital Minimalism is a great place to start.


  • The book offers practical and actionable tips for reducing digital clutter.
  • The author provides a compelling argument for why we need to rethink our relationship with technology.
  • The audiobook version is well-narrated, making it easy to listen to.


  • The book can be a bit repetitive at times.
  • Some of the tips may not work for everyone.
  • The author’s language can be a bit academic and dry.

In Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport argues that we need to be more intentional about our use of technology in order to live a more fulfilling life. He provides practical tips for reducing digital clutter and creating space for more meaningful activities. For example, he suggests taking a 30-day break from social media and then re-evaluating whether or not you want to continue using it. He also recommends deleting apps that don’t add value to your life and setting aside time each day for focused work.

One of the strengths of the book is that it provides a compelling argument for why we need to rethink our relationship with technology. Newport argues that our constant use of technology is making us less happy and less productive. He draws on research from psychology and neuroscience to make his case.

The audiobook version of Digital Minimalism is well-narrated by Will Damron, making it easy to listen to. However, the book can be a bit repetitive at times, and some of the tips may not work for everyone. Additionally, the author’s language can be a bit academic and dry, which may turn off some readers.

Overall, if you’re looking to declutter your digital life and be more intentional about your use of technology, then Digital Minimalism is definitely worth a read.

Minimalista: Your Step-by-Step Guide to a Better Home, Wardrobe, and Life

Minimalista book cover

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to minimalism, then Minimalista is definitely worth checking out.


  • The book covers various aspects of minimalism, including home decor, wardrobe, and lifestyle, making it a well-rounded guide for those looking to simplify their lives.
  • The step-by-step approach makes it easy to follow and implement the tips and techniques provided in the book.
  • The book is visually appealing, with beautiful photographs and illustrations that make it enjoyable to read and look at.


  • The book may not offer much new information for those who are already familiar with minimalism or have read other books on the topic.
  • Some readers may find the book’s focus on aesthetics and design to be superficial and not in line with the true spirit of minimalism.
  • The book is relatively new, so there may not be many reviews or feedback available yet.

In Minimalista, author and designer Julia Hohne takes readers on a journey towards a simpler, more intentional life. The book is divided into three main sections: Home, Wardrobe, and Life, with each section providing practical tips and advice on how to declutter and simplify in that particular area.

One of the things that sets Minimalista apart is its emphasis on design and aesthetics. Hohne believes that minimalism is not just about getting rid of things, but also about creating a beautiful and functional space. Throughout the book, she provides examples of how to incorporate minimalism into your home decor and wardrobe in a way that is both stylish and practical.

Overall, Minimalista is a great resource for anyone looking to embrace minimalism and simplify their life. Whether you’re a beginner or have been on this journey for a while, you’re sure to find some useful tips and inspiration in this book.

The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify

The Joy of Less book cover

If you’re looking for a practical guide to minimalism, The Joy of Less is a great place to start.


  • Provides practical tips for decluttering and organizing your home
  • Encourages a minimalist lifestyle that can lead to less stress and more happiness
  • Narrator Teri Schnaubelt has a soothing voice that makes the audiobook easy to listen to


  • Some of the advice may be too extreme for those who aren’t ready to fully embrace minimalism
  • The book focuses primarily on physical possessions and doesn’t delve as deeply into other areas of life, such as digital clutter or time management
  • The audiobook is almost 6 hours long, which may be too lengthy for some listeners

In The Joy of Less, author Francine Jay shares her personal journey towards minimalism and provides practical tips for decluttering and organizing your home. She encourages readers to embrace a minimalist lifestyle that can lead to less stress and more happiness.

Jay’s advice is straightforward and easy to follow, and the book is filled with practical tips for decluttering everything from your closet to your kitchen. The audiobook version is narrated by Teri Schnaubelt, whose soothing voice makes it easy to listen to.

However, some of the advice in The Joy of Less may be too extreme for those who aren’t ready to fully embrace minimalism. Additionally, the book focuses primarily on physical possessions and doesn’t delve as deeply into other areas of life, such as digital clutter or time management. Finally, the audiobook is almost 6 hours long, which may be too lengthy for some listeners.

Overall, if you’re looking for a practical guide to minimalism, The Joy of Less is a great place to start.

Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, Second Edition

Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, Second Edition

If you’re looking for an audiobook that can help you live a more meaningful life by adopting a minimalist lifestyle, then you should definitely consider Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, Second Edition.


  • The authors have real-world experience in adopting a minimalist lifestyle, which makes the book more relatable and practical.
  • The audiobook is only 2 hours and 39 minutes long, making it easy to listen to and digest.
  • The book covers a wide range of topics related to minimalism, including decluttering, relationships, and finances.


  • Some listeners may find the book to be too simplistic or repetitive.
  • The audiobook may not be suitable for those who prefer a more detailed or academic approach to minimalism.
  • Some listeners may not like the narrator’s voice or delivery style.

In this audiobook, Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn share their personal journey towards minimalism and offer practical advice on how to simplify your life, reduce clutter, and focus on what really matters. The authors also discuss the benefits of minimalism, such as increased happiness, freedom, and creativity.

One of the strengths of this audiobook is its practicality. The authors provide concrete examples and tips on how to declutter your home, simplify your wardrobe, and streamline your digital life. They also discuss how minimalism can improve your relationships, career, and overall well-being.

Another advantage of this audiobook is its brevity. Unlike some other books on minimalism, Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, Second Edition is concise and to the point. This makes it easy to listen to and apply the principles of minimalism to your own life.

Overall, if you’re looking for a practical and accessible guide to minimalism, then you should definitely check out Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, Second Edition.

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

If you’re looking to declutter and simplify your life, then Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism is a must-read book.


  • Provides practical advice on how to simplify your life and let go of possessions.
  • Offers a unique perspective on minimalism from a Japanese author.
  • Includes inspiring stories of people who have embraced minimalism and transformed their lives.


  • Some readers may find the author’s approach to minimalism too extreme.
  • The book can be repetitive at times.
  • The focus is mainly on physical possessions, rather than other areas of life.

In Goodbye, Things, author Fumio Sasaki shares his personal journey towards minimalism and provides readers with practical tips on how to simplify their lives. He emphasizes the importance of letting go of possessions that no longer bring joy or serve a purpose, and offers a unique perspective on minimalism from a Japanese point of view.

One of the book’s strengths is its focus on the emotional benefits of minimalism, such as increased happiness, freedom, and clarity. Sasaki also shares inspiring stories of people who have embraced minimalism and transformed their lives, which can be motivating for readers who are just starting their own minimalist journey.

However, some readers may find Sasaki’s approach to minimalism too extreme, as he advocates for owning as few possessions as possible. Additionally, the book can be repetitive at times, and some readers may wish that it covered other areas of life beyond physical possessions.

Overall, if you’re looking to simplify your life and let go of excess possessions, then Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism is a valuable resource that provides practical advice and inspiration.

Minimalism: How to Simplify and Declutter Your life With Minimalist Habits

Minimalism book

If you’re looking to simplify and declutter your life, then you should consider getting this book. It’s a straightforward guide that will help you adopt a minimalist lifestyle.


  • Provides useful tips and step-by-step processes on how to adopt a minimalist lifestyle.
  • Covers different aspects of life, including decoration, travel, and cooking.
  • Includes alternatives to minimalism, which can help you personalize your approach.


  • Some of the ideas presented in the book may not be new to people who have been practicing minimalism for a while.
  • The book is thin, and some readers may find it overpriced.
  • The quality of the book is not the best, and the pages may curl up.

In this book, you’ll find practical advice on how to simplify and declutter your life. The author covers different aspects of life, including your home, your work, and your relationships. The book is easy to read, and the language is straightforward.

One of the things that I liked about this book is that it provides alternatives to minimalism. The author acknowledges that minimalism may not be for everyone and suggests other ways to simplify your life. This can help you personalize your approach and find what works best for you.

However, some of the ideas presented in the book may not be new to people who have been practicing minimalism for a while. If you’re already familiar with the concept, you may find that the book doesn’t offer much new information.

Additionally, some readers may find the book overpriced, considering its thinness. The quality of the book is also not the best, and the pages may curl up, making it difficult to read.

Overall, if you’re looking for a practical guide to minimalism, this book is worth considering. It provides useful tips and step-by-step processes that can help you simplify and declutter your life. However, if you’re already familiar with minimalism, you may find that the book doesn’t offer much new information.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book cover

If you’re looking for a book that will help you declutter and organize your home, then The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is definitely worth considering.


  • The book provides a clear and easy-to-follow method for decluttering and organizing your home.
  • The author’s philosophy of only keeping items that “spark joy” is a refreshing and effective approach to decluttering.
  • The book is well-written and engaging, making it an enjoyable read.


  • The author’s approach may not work for everyone, and some readers may find it too strict or difficult to follow.
  • The book is focused primarily on decluttering and organizing physical items, so it may not be as helpful for those looking to declutter their digital lives.
  • The book’s emphasis on discarding items may not be suitable for those who are more environmentally conscious and prefer to recycle or donate items.

In The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, author Marie Kondo presents her KonMari method for decluttering and organizing your home. The book provides a step-by-step guide to decluttering your possessions, with a focus on only keeping items that “spark joy.” Kondo’s philosophy is that by only keeping items that bring you joy, you can create a more peaceful and fulfilling living space.

One of the strengths of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is its clear and easy-to-follow method for decluttering and organizing your home. The book provides a detailed guide to the KonMari method, with tips and tricks for tackling each category of possessions. Kondo’s emphasis on only keeping items that “spark joy” is also a refreshing and effective approach to decluttering.

However, some readers may find the author’s approach too strict or difficult to follow. The book’s emphasis on discarding items may also not be suitable for those who are more environmentally conscious and prefer to recycle or donate items. Additionally, while the book is well-written and engaging, it is focused primarily on decluttering and organizing physical items, so it may not be as helpful for those looking to declutter their digital lives.

Overall, if you’re looking for a book that will help you declutter and organize your home, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is definitely worth checking out.

Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life

Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life

If you’re looking for a book that will help you overcome distractions and lead a more meaningful life, Things That Matter by Joshua Becker is definitely worth checking out.


  • The book is easy to read and understand, with personal stories and practical advice.
  • The exercises at the end of the book are thought-provoking and helpful in applying the concepts to your own life.
  • The audiobook version, narrated by the author himself, is engaging and easy to listen to.


  • Some readers may find the book to be too simplistic or repetitive.
  • The focus on minimalism may not be for everyone.
  • The book may not provide enough depth or detail for those looking for a more comprehensive guide to personal development.

Overall, if you’re interested in minimalism and want to learn how to focus on the things that truly matter in life, Things That Matter is a great place to start. The book offers practical tips and exercises for decluttering your life and finding purpose and meaning in the things that really matter. Whether you’re looking to simplify your life, reduce stress, or find greater fulfillment, this book is definitely worth a read.

Sustainable Minimalism

Sustainable Minimalism book cover

If you’re looking to embrace minimalism while also being kind to the planet, Sustainable Minimalism is a great resource to consider.


  • Provides practical tips for reducing waste and living a more sustainable lifestyle
  • Encourages a mindful approach to minimalism that prioritizes what truly matters
  • Written in an engaging and relatable style that makes the content easy to digest


  • Some readers may find the book’s focus on sustainability to be too narrow for their interests
  • The physical size of the book may be smaller than expected
  • Minimalism is a personal journey, so not all of the advice given may be applicable to everyone

In Sustainable Minimalism, author Stephanie Seferian shares her personal journey towards a more sustainable and minimalist lifestyle. The book offers practical tips for reducing waste, building sustainable habits, and embracing minimalism without sacrificing the planet.

Seferian’s writing style is engaging and relatable, making the content easy to digest. She encourages readers to take a mindful approach to minimalism, focusing on what truly matters and letting go of the rest. Whether you’re new to minimalism or looking to deepen your practice, Sustainable Minimalism is a valuable resource to have.

That said, some readers may find the book’s focus on sustainability to be too narrow for their interests. Additionally, the physical size of the book may be smaller than expected, which could impact the reading experience. Finally, as with any book on minimalism, not all of the advice given may be applicable to everyone. Overall, if you’re looking to embrace minimalism while also being kind to the planet, Sustainable Minimalism is definitely worth considering.

The More of Less

The More of Less book cover

If you’re looking for a book that will help you understand minimalism and how it can improve your life, The More of Less by Joshua Becker is a great place to start.


  • The book provides practical advice on how to declutter your life and focus on what truly matters.
  • The author shares his own personal journey to minimalism, making it relatable and inspiring.
  • The book has a positive and encouraging tone, making it an enjoyable read.


  • Some readers may find the religious references in the book off-putting.
  • The book could be shorter and more concise.
  • The content may not be as helpful for readers who are already well-versed in minimalism.

In The More of Less, Joshua Becker shares his personal journey to minimalism and provides practical advice on how to simplify your life. The book covers topics such as decluttering your home, managing your finances, and focusing on what truly matters in life.

One of the strengths of the book is Becker’s relatable writing style. He shares his own struggles and successes with minimalism, making it easy for readers to see themselves in his story. Additionally, the book has a positive and encouraging tone, which makes it an enjoyable read.

However, some readers may find the religious references in the book off-putting. Becker is a Christian, and while he doesn’t push his beliefs on readers, he does reference them throughout the book. Additionally, some readers may find the book overly long and repetitive.

Overall, if you’re looking for a book that will inspire you to simplify your life and focus on what truly matters, The More of Less is a great choice. Just be aware that it may not be the best fit for everyone.

Buying Guide

When choosing a book about minimalism, there are a few factors to consider to ensure that you get the most out of your reading experience.


The first thing to consider is the content of the book. Look for a book that covers the aspects of minimalism that interest you the most. For example, if you’re interested in decluttering your home, look for a book that provides practical tips and strategies for simplifying your living space. If you’re interested in minimalism as a lifestyle, look for a book that explores the philosophy and mindset behind minimalism.


Consider the author of the book. Look for an author who has experience and expertise in the topic of minimalism. Check the author’s credentials and experience to ensure that they have a solid understanding of the subject matter.


Consider the format of the book. Do you prefer a physical book or an e-book? Do you want a book with illustrations or photographs? Do you want a book that is easy to read and understand? Consider your preferences and choose a book that matches them.


Read reviews of the book before making a purchase. Look for reviews from people who have similar interests and goals as you. Consider both positive and negative reviews to get a well-rounded understanding of the book.


Consider the price of the book. While it’s important to invest in quality reading material, you don’t want to overspend. Look for a book that fits your budget and provides value for the price.

Overall, choosing a book about minimalism requires careful consideration of the content, author, format, reviews, and price. By taking these factors into account, you can find a book that meets your needs and helps you achieve your minimalism goals.

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